maandag 11 augustus 2014

A question from Mr. Beak...

Mr. Beak asked Phebe a question in his first letter, can you give a proper answer? 

"Why do humans exist?"

(ps. The answer could change the future of mankind, so are you still willing to answer it?)

maandag 4 augustus 2014

New characters

Another new characters: Ms. Fluid and her 9 year old son Pipet, ms. Fluid doesn’t like changes, so is her hairstyle still the same from the day she was born, as at her wedding and divorce, she only likes the color brown and lives every day by the same routine. Her son isn’t much different either, except that he likes the color beige. 

(note: the colors changed a little because of the light)

The other new character is Ms. Buttonsthee (she's a little bit of a mystery character)
Also an old lady. She likes colored glass and flowers… and she has the strangest habit of throwing food out of the window at night (there is an explanation for this... but that comes later).

(Note: her character is not as creepy as this picture I made of her, this is just a first sketch)

(The style difference between the characters is because i'm stil looking for a style that fits for the story.)

New Character: Mr. Craccy

A new character: mr. Craccy a very old man, who lives next door. He looks so old that he may have survived the middle-ages. He always has this weird kind of helmet on, he says it’s protecting him from air falling stuff. 

(note: I know that he looks like a Chinese guy, but he is not... ho and if your wondering what those numbers mean, that will be explained later until I got the story right. Till now enjoy mr. Craccy.)

zaterdag 5 juli 2014

One of the chapters in the story is done, up to the next one.

woensdag 2 juli 2014

From now on this blog will be in English, that makes it easier for other people to understand. 
In my story ('It's Me') we finally know the name of the main character: 'Phebe' a unique name for a strong character.

dinsdag 1 juli 2014

Nieuwe schetsen van het hoofdpersonage. (voor "It's Me")
Vanwege de koppigheid van mij scanner moest ik het fotograferen, waardoor de kwaliteit niet al te best is.

maandag 30 juni 2014

Het spannende begin van een nieuw verhaal: "It's Me" een graphic novel over een meisje dat haar weg lijkt te verliezen in het alle dagelijkse leven. Gevuld met fantasie en een kijk op de wereld vanuit een ander perspectief, gaat ze opzoek naar haar doel en plaats in de wereld.

Hier zijn de eerste schetsen van het hoofdpersonage (naam nog onbekend):